Hey, I'm Jocke. 👋

I'm a software developer from Sweden.

I enjoy constantly pushing myself by learning new stuff.

About me 👇🏻

With over five years of experience working full time as a software developer I can help you or your company do great stuff with help of technology.

Ever since I got in to this industry I've had the feeling of never getting satisfied with the amount of knowledge I have in certain areas. That feeling has led me in to always wanting to learn new things, keeping myself up to date with the latest techonology and to make the correct decision of when to use the latest techonology or not.

I live in the northern parts of Sweden with my kick ass family of four. My wife and I and our two beautiful kids.

Projects 👇🏻

Beside my day to day job, I've find it challenging and very fun to have a couple of side projects. This is a space for me where I get to challenge myself in terms of tackling problems I'm not used to and to explore new technologies. A couple of them are listed here:

    lvfood.appI'm a food junkie. But always had a hard time on deciding what to eat when I didn't have time to cook myself. In my hometown, there's no such thing as Foodora or Uber Eats. No place where you just can scroll through menus from multiple restaurants at once. So I built my own.app.smutt.seThis is what takes up most of my spare time right now. Smutt is a company I founded back in 2021 together with two friends. We're trying to position ourselves as a middle layer between financial systems and other external systems. We've just launched or first integration - which makes it possible for companies that use Björn Lundén as their financial system to communicate with their employees or customers through Kivra. I've built the whole system myself. Including both frontend, backend and database which really had me to step up my game, especially on the last two parts.

Contact 👇🏻

Even though my time is quite limited at the moment I'd love to have a chat with you!Send me an email!